Newton County Buck Gross 183 Inches


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GON Outdoors


Dylan Kirkley, of Covington, has killed a deer that would make any midwestern hunter proud. His Newton County 17-pointer, only the second buck he’s ever killed, grossed 183 inches. “This is the second year we had him on camera,” said Dylan. “He showed back up in July (2019), and then he just disappeared for like two months. We didn’t know what happened. I believe it was the week before dove season when he showed back up.” Dylan and his buddies bowhunt, and one of his friends did see the deer one time in bow season. “We went bowhunting for him a few times,” said Dylan. “It was one of those things where you go and you get down out of the stand, and 20 or 30 minutes later he was on the camera, and it would be dark. He was messing with us pretty much. “A friend of mine saw him early one morning. It was too dark to do anything with him, but he could tell what it was,” said Dylan. “We saw him two times out of the stand in rifle season and couldn’t get a decent shot on him, and we didn’t want to take a chance on it, so we just waited him out.” On the afternoon of Oct. 27, Dylan was in a tower stand with his buddy Josh Skaggs, of Covington, and they were overlooking an old, grown-up bean field. Around 6:30 a group of does showed up in the field. “He tapped me on the leg and said, ‘I see some horns coming out of that bottom down there,'” said Dylan. “I got my glasses on him and looked, and it was him. I really didn’t know what to do. It was a long shot, so we waited and waited until he came up and bumped those does, and once they ran off, he just milled around eating some acorns out there on the edge of the field. He was quartering away from us, and I said we’re just not going to do it right now. We waited a few more seconds, and he turned broadside and gave us a good opportunity, and I took it.” Dylan was shooting a 6.5mm Creedmor, a caliber that has been growing in popularity in recent years. “We get within 100 yards of him, and his horns are sticking up out of the grass. We knew we had something pretty special there. He got bigger the closer we got,” said Dylan. Dylan’s 183-inch deer will not be in Truck-Buck, but he will be having it officially scored after the required 60 days of Boone & Crockett drying time expires. It’s still unclear if the buck will score better as a typical or non-typical.