Media Kit Checklist for Podcast Guesting.


Listens: 27

Jeff's Podcast Academy


Episode Transcript:

When it comes to creating a media kit, especially for platforms like Pod Match or other podcast guest directories, it's crucial to focus on providing impactful information right from the start. Assume that people might not look past the first page, so that initial impression matters a lot.

1. Eye-Catching Introduction:

Begin with a compelling coverage image or design related to your book, consultancy, or expertise. Follow this with a concise yet engaging summary that highlights the essence of what you bring to the table. This is your chance to grab the attention of potential hosts.

2. Bio and Photo:

The next page should include your professional photo along with a brief but impactful bio. This should emphasize your qualifications, expertise, and accomplishments related to your field. This helps hosts quickly gauge your credibility and relevance.

3. Social Proof:

Incorporate any relevant social proof that boosts your authority. This could be awards you've received, accolades, recognition, or quotes from credible sources that endorse your work. Social proof adds credibility and indicates that others value your contributions.

4. Sample Questions and Angles:

Dedicate a section to possible interview angles and example questions. These questions should be well-thought-out and aligned with your expertise. This not only gives hosts an idea of the kind of topics you can discuss but also makes their job easier. It showcases your preparedness and commitment.

5. Specific Topics or Chapters (if applicable):

If your expertise covers multiple areas or if you've authored a book with distinct chapters, consider providing an outline of specific topics you can delve into. This demonstrates your versatility and depth of knowledge across various subjects.

6. Contact Information:

Always include clear contact information. Make it easy for hosts to reach out to you if they're interested in having you as a guest. Provide your email, website, or any other preferred method of communication.

7. Formatting and Design:

Keep the media kit visually appealing and easy to skim. Use headings, bullet points, and concise paragraphs to ensure key information stands out. Maintain a consistent design that aligns with your brand and showcases professionalism.

Remember, the primary goal of your media kit is to make a strong impression quickly. You want hosts to see that you're a credible, prepared, and valuable guest.



Hey guys Jeffrey here with another episode.

So you might have noticed a strange voice which is not but an AI voice.

Before you go and unsubscribe me hear me out.

I have been sick for the past 2 weeks and the promise of posting episodes every day - I just couldn't follow up.

No matter how much good content I have because of my health I can't do it.

So I have written the episode script myself and I have posted it.

Hope you enjoy the episode.


Audio - Elevan Labs