Mattering in the Workplace: Creating Meaningful Employee Experiences with Zach Mercurio


Listens: 16

The Employee Experience in Education Podcast


“In October, the US surgeon General, America's top medical doctor, named mattering at work a key priority for improving the nation's mental health.”

Zach Mercurio is a researcher, writer and speaker who is passionate about cultivating meaningfulness in life and work. He believes that well-being is a community effort and that leaders hold great power in creating environments that support and encourage this. Having experienced purposelessness early on in his career, Zach now focuses on researching and teaching about how people can find meaning in their work and personal lives.

But what exactly is mattering, and what should leaders be doing about it?

On this episode, Zach shares his work around mattering and its profound impact in the workplace. Zach also shares.

  • His notice, affirm, and need framework to help people feel like they matter
  • What happens when we get mattering wrong for adults and students
  • And the skills that leaders need to connect with their employees and avoid creating experiences of anti-mattering

Guest Bio:

Zach is an author, researcher, and consultant specializing in purposeful leadership, meaningful work, and positive organizational psychology. He wrote "The Invisible Leader: Transform Your Life, Work, and Organization with the Power of Authentic Purpose” and works with hundreds of companies, schools, and governments around the world to forge purposeful leaders and cultivate positive cultures that enable more meaning, mattering, motivation, well-being, and performance. His writing on purposeful leadership has been featured internationally in outlets such as Forbes, Inc. Magazine, and The Denver Post and his research has been awarded by The Academy of Management, the Association for Talent Development, and The Association for Human Resource Development.

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