_Anonymous-Woman.jpg "...Without hesitation, she took the time out of her busy schedule to walk with my father ..." Brittany Burrell, Nursing Student Listen Now Burrell_Brittany.mp3 Transcript In the fall of 2009, my mother was a patient at Florida Hospital for a liver biopsy. At the same time, my father was suffering from a severe depression and anxiety disorder. Although he was being treated for his condition, his ability to process information was impaired, particularly in unfamiliar or stressful situations. Consequently he was experiencing extreme anxiety over the simple task of finding his way back to the car and successfully picking up my mother. It was at this time that my mothers nurse recognized that my father was having difficulty. Without hesitation, she took the time out of her busy schedule to walk with my father all the way to the parking garage, showing him each and every step that he would take. This nurse went above and beyond her duties by extending exceptional care and compassion for another person. Someone who is not even her patient, but obviously needed help. This is why my philosophy of healthcare is to maintain an open mind. If we change the way we look at things, the things we look at will change.