Lone Stars #044 - Read A Book


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Lone Stars


The best way to better yourself is by engrossing yourself with a medium outside of your knowledgebase, so read a book! We've got a bunch of recommendations of all kinds for you!This week's Lone Stars is thanks to Max Grosam, who wrote in with a suggestion! You can do that by sending us an e-mail to LoneStarsPodcast@gmail.com! Lone Stars on YouTube→ https://youtube.com/LoneStarsFred on Twitter→ https://twitter.com/ThatsMyTrunksForrest on Twitter→ https://twitter.com/SirCaptainCobbLos on Twitter→ https://twitter.com/LosFerrandLone Stars on Twitter→ http://twitter.com/LoneStarsLPLone Stars on Tumblr→ http://LoneStarsPodcast.com/Lone Stars on Facebook → http://bit.ly/LoneStarsFB