Lone Stars #043 - Fred Bought a House


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Lone Stars


Forrest and Los are excited about recording in Fred's new house, and more even excited to talk about the crazy shit that's going on across the street. Send us questions, stories, and stuff to talk about at LoneStarsPodcast@gmail.com!Lone Stars on YouTube→ https://youtube.com/LoneStarsFred on Twitter→ https://twitter.com/ThatsMyTrunksForrest on Twitter→ https://twitter.com/SirCaptainCobbLos on Twitter→ https://twitter.com/LosFerrandLone Stars on Twitter→ http://twitter.com/LoneStarsLPLone Stars on Tumblr→ http://LoneStarsPodcast.com/Lone Stars on Facebook → http://bit.ly/LoneStarsFB