The self-help industry is guilty of telling people they are limitless and perpetuating the concept that you can do and be anything. It’s a well meaning concept to try and help people see they are capable of more, which I agree with, but the sentiment is often a great disservice. Sure, you can go do anything and everything, but you won’t do many of those things well. You are designed for some specific things. The great news is they will fit your innate desires and abilities. Imagine taking all the animals in Africa and dumping them on the open savannah. How will they fare? The monkeys and crocodiles and hippos and pythons and parrots will soon die. Or dump them all into the trees. How will the elephants and lions and gazelles do? You get the point. Yet we as humans are expected to just be ok in all the normal structures of our environment. It doesn’t work, and most all of us spend a lot of our days in environments and circumstances that are greatly limiting us and don’t cater to our unique makeup. This is my wrap up on my series with Andre Sólo and the message in his book, "Sensitive: The Hidden Power of the Highly Sensitive Person in a Loud, Fast, Too-Much World." Some of you are HSPs, as I’ve realized I am. But all of you have sensitivities. All of you. And chances are you are blind to them or are just trying to grit your teeth and plow through your life. You can. But you won’t be at your best. You’ll be doing yourself a disservice. Further, you’ll be limiting the service you can bring to others. Walk with me a minute in looking at how to better curate and design your world for your success. June 15-16 of 2023 I’ll be in Dallas to attend and speak at the Ziglar coach summit. If you are looking to influence people for the better, professionally or personally, I invite you to join us. First 10 people who register and say you heard about it from me, I’m taking to dinner! Go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit