
Kevin & Fred's Next Level Podcast: Quick Tips for Real Estate Agents and Interviews from the best in the real estate business
In today’s episode, my good friend Kenny Klaus returns to talk about what’s going on with iBuyers right now. The last time he was on the show, he talked about how iBuyers have impacted what we do everyday as agents, and he implored us to get used to iBuyers because they aren’t going anywhere. Then the last year and a half happened, it started to feel like the iBuyer conversation was dead and buried. Should iBuyers still concern us? Yes, now more than ever, in fact. 2020 has further shifted the consumer’s behavior and by extension, what they expect of us as agents. We have to run at the iBuyer conversation, not away from it, and make it a part of what we offer. Kenny Klaus is the Team Leader at the Kenny Klaus Team Real Estate Solutions and co-founder of iRealEstate Pro. With 20 years in the industry, Kenny is recognized nationally for his excellent track record and expertise. If your strategy is to badmouth iBuyers, rather than present them as an option, it’s going to backfire horribly. As agents, we have been very comfortable for a long time, and now it’s time for us to step up our game, get better at our craft and be more neutral about iBuyers, not dead-set against them. There’s so much that technology is bringing to the market that a lot of agents believe won’t last, but if we’re not adapting, we’re the ones who will get left out in the cold. Guest Info Kenny Klaus is the Team Leader at the Kenny Klaus Team Real Estate Solutions and co-founder of iRealEstate Pro. With 20 years in the industry, Kenny is recognized nationally for his excellent track record and expertise.