Everybody knows that wildlife in the United States is owned by all of us. Elk, deer and other species are held in the public trust, period. But what happens when publicly owned big game is commercialized – and when hunting opportunity for public wildlife is sold to the highest bidder? What happens when so-called “private land” licenses can be used on public land? Some Western states are grappling with those questions now, but New Mexico public land elk hunters have been living under these conditions for years. Hal takes a deep dive into the byzantine regulations of elk hunting in New Mexico with three local hunters – Joel Gay with NM BHA and Jesse Deubel and Ray Trejo with the New Mexico Wildlife Federation – including what lies ahead for New Mexico and what other states should consider before going down the same road. Tune in for this cautionary tale about the commercialization of a valuable public resource: elk. 0:01:52 Intro 0:04:01 Background 0:14:45 Anti Donation Clause 0:18:20 IPRA and Obfuscation 0:20:13 Responsibility to NM Residents 0:24:28 The restoration paid for by public 0:27:35 High Quality of NM hunting 0:31:31 The low draw odds for the public 0:35:57 History of the draw odds and guide set-asides 0:44:11 Marketing property with Landowner Tags 0:46:04 Privatization of Public Resource 0:49:21 NM Depredation Law 0:52:33 NM Depredation Fund 0:55:29 Conservation is not convenient 0:55:59 The NM draw system is privatized, complex and obscure 1:01:03 Entitlements and Politics 1:02:52 What would a solution look like? 1:12:33 What can people do? 1:16:32 NM Legislative Finance Committee Audit 1:20:37 RAWA and NM Landowner Tag Funding 1:24:04 NM Game Commission Politics 1:32:34 NM 2021 Hunting Plans