This is episode 35 of ComposerCast and was recorded in a lovely pub in Portsmouth. This is an interview episode where I talk to the wonderful composer and sound designer, Chris Jolley, about his audio career in games. Follow him on Twitter @cjolley_audio"Remember Runescape? Yeah I 'member!" Check out what it looks like now: https://www.runescape.com/splashRead Sam Barlow's wiki: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sam_Barlow_(game_designer)Listen to "Patches Theme" from Dragons: Dawn of New Riders by Chris Jolley: https://soundcloud.com/user-562618863/sets/dragons-dawn-of-new-ridersSubsribe to Adam T. Croft's email newsletter. Lots of good game audio stuff in there: https://adamtcroft.com/Listen to "Impatiev House No. 2" from Assassin's Creed Chronicles: Russia by Chris Jolley: https://soundcloud.com/user-562618863/assassinscreedchroniclesListen to "First Civilisation" from Assassins Creed Chronicles: India by Chris Jolley: https://soundcloud.com/user-562618863/assassinscreedchronicles-indiaPurchase the Half Life: A Place in the West soundtracks by Chris Jolley:https://store.steampowered.com/app/629830/HalfLife_A_Place_in_the_West_Soundtrack_Vol_1/https://store.steampowered.com/app/980550/HalfLife_A_Place_in_the_West_Soundtrack_Vol_2/--Enjoying the podcast? You can now support us on Patreon! We've got different monthly rewards for you to enjoy including custom ringtones and super sweet shout-outs on the podcast.Keep up to date and follow @ComposerCast on Twitter. Our DMs are always open.Follow Will on Twitter @willhelliwell1.Listen to the ComposerCast playlist on Spotify containing a mix of all the music we've talked about on our podcast.Want to be a guest on the podcast or have a topic you think we should discuss? Send us an email to patreon@composercast.co.uk