Welcome to the Interior Design Today radio show with Mary Knackstedt.In our 29th episode, Mary talks about the 2013 Architectural Digest Show and DIFFA.It was a great show this year, featuring a lot of different artisans and companies from different parts of the world. There was quite an upgrade of quality in many of the things, especially many of the kitchen features. There were many new and "techy" contributions, which are really part of convenience and which also provide space saving and other elements. There are marvelous conveniences and things that we can do with technology that we could never dream of before.In addition to that, they also feature the DIFFA dining by design. This is where different companies and designers working with them feature their design for dining. Some of them were very different than before. There was one by Benjamin Moore which you could definitely tell was a painting company because they showed how you could use color and paint in many ways. It was very rich and very fun, but also, there was no question that their product was paint.The one that the Pratt students did was very interesting in that it featured a map of the world. They did it in a very "techy" way, using an interesting lighting treatment, which I hope you can see from my photographs. It was very interesting and quite well done. We were all amazed at their thought patterns and how they developed it with design.Ralph Lauren, last year, had an outdoor porch; very country. This year, its was much more modern. You will see a number of fun designs throughout the photographs I have taken as best I could with my simple camera.This is a wonderful contribution to the arts that all these designers and companies are making, both in monetary contributions, as well as their artistic display.Please subscribe to the video or audio version of the radio show via iTunes or listen to it at http://interiordesigntodaypodcast.blogger.com via the following MP3 Link.