Without making a case that there is more negativity in our world today than ever, it’s simply more easily delivered to us through our constant devices. The media want our attention and if it bleeds it leads. Negativity gets more views. And on social media, I don’t know the exact stats, but I tend to see more sharing of and discussions around criticism and debate, than joy and peace. We can’t get rid of it either, all the negativity is impossible to avoid. Not long ago we went through a covid pandemic, high racial tensions, and presidential campaigns and scandals that really upped all the volatility, and just about everyone in the country, if not the planet, is citing more anxiety, uncertainty, confusion and fear than ever. We can’t live in a bubble or a cave, so we just have to learn to deal with it. This is my Functional Friday episode and I’m with my Functional Friday co-host, Randy James, Medical Doctor and Functional Medicine expert, and we talk about what he is seeing with patients in his clinic and how very real this issue is, and how we can minimize it...but in truth, again, the bigger issue is combating it. Interestingly what we landed on was seeking ways to lift ourselves emotionally. I think you’ll find some tangible actions you can take from this show. June 15-16 of 2023 I’ll be in Dallas to attend and speak at the Ziglar coach summit. If you are looking to influence people for the better, professionally or personally, I invite you to join us. First 10 people who register and say you heard about it from me, I’m taking to dinner! Go to Learn more about your ad choices. Visit