How to Play Checkers: A Step-by-Step Guide


Listens: 13

Tech Wizard


Checkers, also known as Draughts in some parts of the world, is a classic two-player strategy board game that's easy to learn and offers hours of engaging gameplay.

In this step-by-step guide, we'll walk you through the rules and the basics of how to play Checkers.

Step 1: Setting Up the Board

Begin by setting up the Checkers board, which consists of an 8x8 grid of alternating dark and light squares.

Each player places their 12 pieces (usually red or black) on the dark squares in the three rows closest to them.

Step 2: Understanding the Pieces

Checkers pieces, also called "men," can move diagonally forward one square at a time.

If a piece reaches the opponent's back row, it is promoted to a "king". Kings gain the ability to move diagonally both forward and backward.

Step 3: Basic Movement

Players take turns moving their pieces diagonally forward to an adjacent empty square.

Step 4: Capturing Opponent's Pieces

One of the key elements of Checkers is capturing your opponent's pieces. To capture an opponent's piece, you must jump over it diagonally, provided that the square immediately beyond the opponent's piece is empty.

Captured pieces are removed from the board.

If a player has the opportunity to make additional captures after the initial jump, they must do so in a sequence known as a "multiple capture" or "jump."

Step 5: King Promotion

When a piece reaches the opponent's back row, it becomes a "king" and is crowned with a second piece of the same color.

Kings can move diagonally both forward and backward and are more powerful and versatile.

Step 6: Winning the Game

The objective of the game is to either capture all of your opponent's pieces or create a situation where your opponent has no legal moves left.

Step 7: Rules and Strategies

A player must make a capture if one is available. If multiple captures are possible, the player must choose the sequence that captures the most pieces.

If a player's piece is jumped over, they must surrender the captured piece and continue their turn.

A player can choose to "king" their piece when reaching the opponent's back row at the end of their turn, even if it results in a multiple capture sequence.

Step 8: The Endgame

In the endgame, players must use their kings and remaining pieces strategically to gain an advantage and secure a win.


Checkers is a game of strategy, skill, and careful planning. While the rules are simple, mastering the game takes practice and the development of various tactics.

Whether you're a beginner learning the basics or an experienced player looking to refine your strategy, these steps should help you get started on your Checkers journey. So, set up the board, challenge a friend, and enjoy the timeless game of Checkers!