'How to Feel Great About Being a Mother' Saloni Singh with Amy Hardison


Listens: 1197

Raising Parents 2.0

Kids & Family

In this beautiful episode, Saloni is talking with Special guest Amy Hardison about how to feel great about being a mother.

These 47 minutes are filled with so many wisdom nuggets... about how to create a Happy Family. Some of the takeaways are:

*Knowing that family and taking care of family is the most important and rewarding thing.

* Why it's important to take the long view.

*What does commitment means, to be there for your children and family

* It's the "little moments that matters".

*Why being a Grandparent is the most wonderful thing and why they have the best time with their grandchildren.

*Parenting - you're not gonna do it perfectly.

*Stop aiming for perfection. Aim for forgiveness and grace. You'll laugh later at things that you messed up!

About Amy Hardison: 

Amy was born and raised in Arizona. She graduated in English. She chose to be a stay-at-home mother, focusing her time and energy on her family. 

She is A mom of 4 children age group from 41 to 34, and grandma to 11 wonderful children Throughout her life, Amy’s passion has been learning. She’s worked as a volunteer teacher for 24 years. 

Amy has authored 2 amazing books: How to Feel Great About Being a Mother (1987), when she was a young mom and Understanding the Symbols, Covenants and Ordinances of the Temple. 

She is married to Coach Steve Hardison and is currently finishing a book about her amazing husband - The Ultimate Coach.

About Dr. Saloni Singh:

Saloni Singh is a life, family & self-mastery coach from India, a mom of 2 teen daughters, 18 and 14.

She is an author of the book, 'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes', a Mindfulness & meditation teacher, Master NLP practitioner, Keynote Speaker and corporate trainer.

Find more about Saloni here: Http://www.salonisingh.com

Get free download of Saloni's handbook here for simple practical tools on

'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes' -


Connect with her on Instagram here:


Get in touch with me for any life or parenting queries or for a conversation at coach@salonisingh.com 

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