“Hope In A Hostile World” Pt. 2 – 1 Peter 1:3-12


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Westminster Calvary Chapel

Religion & Spirituality

Last week we discovered the cultural-backdrop in Rome and the conditions Peter wrote about. History shows the hostility of Nero's government toward Christians was real and present across Rome! And, we learned that the main theme in 1st Peter is hope in the face of persecution (that hostile an unfair treatment of religious people. Today we add to this with a simple understanding of the man writing - Peter. Weekly bulletin: https://mailchi.mp/0412f345e2f4/t7eysc6qau Online Campus: westminstercalvary.online.church Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/westminstercalvary/ Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/westmincalvary/ Support the mission: https://www.westminstercalvary.org/home/online-giving/ Become a Christian: https://westminstercalvary.churchcenter.com/people/forms/124075 Prayer Request: @forms/37128 #ChurchOnline #DoingMyPartCO #WestminsterCO #DenverCO #NonDenominationalChurch #CalvaryChapel #CGN #ChristianLiving #Hope #StayHome #WithMe #StrongerTogether #BusinessUnusual #CalvaryAtHome #SocialDistancing #AtHome #WeCanGetThroughThis #WeCare #StayAtHome #SaferAtHome #Westminster #WeLoveCO #Community #JesusSavesBro #Westminster #Fear #Anxiety #NewYearNewYou #2021 #HopeInAHostileWorld #1Peter