Holding space for self and others with Rachael Starr


Listens: 139

Raising Parents 2.0

Kids & Family

Saloni Singh is in conversation with therapist & coach Rachael Starr Bruck as they talk about How to hold space for yourself and others for growth and healing.

Takeaways: *What is holding space and how we can be that loving presence to hold space for our loved ones to help them thrive in life.

*What are the qualities of this nurturing space?

*Why it is so uncomfortable to hold space for your own pain and others pain as well.

*What stops us from holding space and what to do?

*How to make peace with your own suffering and be the vessel for self-healing.

About Rachael Starr: 

With over 15 years of holding space experience as a facilitator, teacher, psychotherapist, and Deep Transformational Coach, Rachael passionately dedicates herself to supporting others in deeply knowing, radically loving, and freely expressing their innermost essence and true nature.

Find more about Rachael here: rachaelstarrbruck.com 


About Saloni Singh: Dr Saloni Singh is a life, family & self-mastery coach, an author of the book, 'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes'

She is a mom of 2 teens, Master NLP practitioner, Keynote Speaker and corporate trainer.

Find more about Saloni here: Http://www.salonisingh.com

Get free download of Saloni's handbook here for simple practical tools on

'How to stop overthinking in 3 minutes' -


Connect with her on Instagram here:


Get in touch with me for any life or parenting queries or for a conversation at coach@salonisingh.com 

#raisingParents​ #SaloniSingh​ #RachaelStarr #holdingspace #consciousness #healing #coaching #raisingawareness​ #relationships #Parents​ #therapy #transformation