Galactic Gaze: Introducing Euclid Space Telescope, A Quest for Dark Matter


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Introducing the Euclid Space Telescope, a groundbreaking project designed to explore the mysteries of the universe. The launch of Euclid was July 1, 2023, where it was carried into space by a Soyuz rocket. The mission is expected to last for six years, with an estimated end date in 2029. The Euclid project is a collaboration between the European Space Agency (ESA) and multiple international partner agencies. The primary mission goals of Euclid are to study the cosmic expansion, dark energy, and the growth of large-scale structures. In recent years, Euclid has made significant discoveries, such as mapping the distribution of cosmic dark matter with unprecedented precision. Additionally, Euclid has provided valuable insights into the nature of dark energy, bringing us closer to understanding the fundamental forces shaping our universe.