From Depth of Design to Breadth of Business with Victor Ong


Listens: 131

Avantika Designeering Series


A meaningful solution with an effortless user experience can help businesses survive in a disruptive marketplace. However, a carefully constructed business model with a design mindset is also necessary for concepts to stay. It helps take an idea from concept to market, makes it easily accessible for the users, and can lead businesses to achieve extraordinary results. So how can designers create successful strategies and business models to cement their place in the market? To know more about this theme, in this episode, we interact with Victor Ong, Director, Head of Product Design (APAC) / ADAPT, Design Lab at Bain & Company. With a decade and a half of experience in UX/UI design, he holds expertise in user-centred design, interaction design, product design, and much more. Let's know more about his journey and experiences in the latest episode of the "Avantika Designeering Series Podcast," "From Depth of Design to Breadth of Business." You can connect with Victor on LinkedIn. Don't forget to subscribe to our show and share your comments on