For the audio Podcast of poem, click below on title in bold: FOR GARYYou can also get this Podcast from iTunes!This poem, "For Gary", is for my husband, whom I love very dearly. I don't often write poetry about my personal feelings this way. They are always something I seem to have difficulty expressing. It takes a certain stillness for me to write and my personal feelings of love do not tend to elicit such stillness. However, I felt it important to express such somewhere, somehow. Because, my husband truly does mean everything to me.In other places online I have called this poem "For Love" as it easily applies to love for one's mate in general. In the listening of it, I hope you may agree.For a pdf file for the words of this poem click here: ForGary.pdfTo contact me, you may email me at:,or visit my WebSite at: www.EldritchTradition.comIf you'd like to Subscribe to this Feed at Feedburner, click on image below: