Welcome my friend to episode 1 season 2 of the podcast. We are making a big pivot with this one going from Intentional Productivity Podcast into Feminine Fitness - mind, body. & cycle syncing. This podcast is a show for women who want to align their health and fitness goals with our hormones. If you feel like health and fitness is always a fight against your body, subscribe to the show, because I am going to be teaching simple tips that you can easily implement into your life that make a big difference. I have seen a huge change in how my body looks and how I feel since aligning my workouts and food with my cycle. This isn’t “woo woo” this is how our body was created and instead of working against it like society tells us to or suppress what is going we are going to use it as our super power to enhance every area our life. Joelle on InstagramFacebook Community ** The content in Feminine Fitness Podcast - mind, body, & cycle syncing is for information only, not a guarantee of outcome. Information is gathered and shared from reputable sources, however no individuals should use the information, resources, or tools contained within to self-diagnosis or self treat any health- related condition. Never disregard medical professional advice or delay in seeking it because of something you have heard on this podcast. Always consult your doctor before starting any new lifestyle changes in fitness and nutrition. **