Episode 98 - Let's Try Again


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Love and Luck


Kane, Jason, Ricardo and Helen all want to test their limits with magic.  They aren’t really sure how, but they know they want to try.----more---- Written by Erin KyanProduced by Passer Vulpes ProductionsRecorded by Kermie Breydon and Eris BarnesKane voiced by Lee Davis-ThalbourneJason voiced by Erin KyanJulie voiced by Nicola RummeryCredits voiced by Roslyn Quin Cover art by Soufex Parsons Cope: http://soufexdraws.tumblr.com/ Like the show? Please consider backing us via our Patreon! Get access to secret Discord channels, monthly livestreams, behind-the-scenes sneak peaks and more! To become a Patron, or to find out more go to https://www.patreon.com/passervulpes! Find out more about us at https://loveandluckpodcast.com, and follow @LoveLuckPodcast on twitter, on Facebook as Love and Luck Podcast, on Instagram as loveandluckpodcast, or on Tumblr as loveandluckpodcast.