Episode 96 - Rappy Chicks


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Hashtag Questions with The B&T Boys


Inverted Christmas trees are a real thing.This Week's #Questions@AleksSt7 - When is it acceptable to start wearing holiday gear ? Like... Is it ok now, or still early ? #askingforafriend #festive@southernredhed - If turkey is so good, why do we only eat it once a year? #deepthoughts #ThanksgivingWeek #Turkey@MarcusMaximus78 - So my little boy (12) tells me yesterday that he now has a gf and they are going on a date today to the park. Should I go....#askingforme ? ? ?@ruby_x22 - I hate “talking”. At what point is it acceptable to show my true colors & my crazy side? #askingforme@barbaroloverrr - QUICK. what is a good excuse for being busy tonight. My hamster ran away? I died?? #ASKINGFORME@JessasaurusRex2 - Is it super inappropriate to wake someone up so they can download the Disney + app off their Verizon account? #askingformyselfTo see the full list of questionable tweets related to this week's episode, visit our episode moment on Twitter.Dig what you hear? Click these buttons:Follow us on TwitterFollow us on InstagramGet your face on some questionsDrop us a review on Apple PodcastsDrop us a review on StitcherSupport this podcast at — https://redcircle.com/hashtag-questions-with-brandon-and-trey/donations