In this episode, Josh and Ian talk about whether or not we live in a just world. They talk about Americans refusing to take the covid vaccine, principles and keeping your word, Plato's Republic and the inquisitive nature of Socrates, their own definitions of 'justice', acting in our own best interests, formal definitions of justice, restorative justice and being closer to the community, how resentment drives society apart, justice within the context of survival, the murder of George Floyd and the trail of Derek Chauvin, police violence and healing in America, the workings and faults of the criminal justice system, individuals and culture, as well as making some confessions of injustice. Follow them on Twitter at:Josh @Simpsonj423Ian @modernovermanand the podcast @NBSPodcast1Website:'s The RepublicJustice- and fairness-related behaviors in nonhuman primatesDerek Chauvin guilty in death of George FloydWas justice served in the Derek Chauvin trial? Here's what our readers told usWhy Honor Matters by Tammler SommersRecorded 26 May 2021Support the show (