Welcome to back to Not for the Dinner Table!!! Episode 69 Ghostly Animals & Strange Monsters We have some NFTDT news about some newly discovered Anglo-Saxon burial grounds In Episode 69, Soph has many tales about ghostly apparitions of the animal variety, whilst Dave is sharing the infamous story of the Flatwoods Monster. Do you have a weird or spooky story let us know by emailing Where you can also send us versions of our podcast jingles and questions, or just say hello. And remember everyone is welcome at our dinner table, except… Follow us for more Not for the Dinner Table fun on Twitter @NFTDT on Instagram @notforthe_dinnertable on Facebook @ Not for the Dinner Table on TikTok @nftdt Our music is by the amazing Chris Scott @ScottyJax. And our logo is by the wickedly talented Kayleigh and you can see more of her work on Instagram @kcreatesdesign You can listen to Not for the Dinner Table on the Apple Podcasts, Soundcloud, Stitcher, and Spotify or wherever you find podcasts. If you like the show, please leave a review and tell a friend to help us grow. If you liked this episode why not try out our other creature feature episodes: Episode 43 – My best friend is a Lizard Person Episode 38 - Snallycats Episode 27 – Halloween Spookiness Episode 17 – Local Legends and things from the Forest