Episode 45 Endometriosis with Karinee Lopez


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Saludable Latina


Wow! We are in August and it's time to drop another Episode. Episode Notes: "The women in my family suffered from painful periods, has anyone asked why..There was a lot of research I had to do with the lineage of women in my family."  Meet Karinee: * A Hollistic Endometriosis Educator * A Mom, Wife and Advocate * A Wellness Warrior  Recommended Book:  * The Endometriosis Health and Diet Program: Get your life Back by Dr. Andrew Cook (https://www.amazon.com/Endometriosis-Health-Diet-Program-Your ) Resources: 1. www.wespeakendo.com 2. www.womenshealth.gov/endo 3. https://iamawellnesswarrior.net/blog  How to Find Karinee Lopez Instagram: Karinee Lopez https://www.instagram.com/karineelopez  Website: www.iamwellnesswarrior.net