Episode 303: Neutrality To Knowledge


Listens: 2104

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

Hey brothers, I want to dive deep into a concept that might sound counterintuitive at first: the idea that depression is actually an upgrade for the human species. I know it sounds crazy, but stick with me here. When we start to move from our conditioned beta state towards neutrality and beyond, we begin to pierce the shell of our ego, our "I-ness." This initial breakthrough can feel like entering a dark, cloudy, and rainy world where nothing matters, much like the downtrodden side of the meme where a person is slumped over and unhappy.

When you first confront the realization that nothing matters, it often leads to a state of depression. This isn't a bad thing. In fact, it's an important step in our evolution. Depression signals that our crisis monitoring system is lowering, helping us recognize that nothing, indeed, matters. This realization aligns with what mystics, saints, and sages have always known: everything is empty, a hologram, a dream state. We start to understand that our ego, our attachments, our possessions, and even our relationships don't really matter.

Many people are uncomfortable with this idea because it contrasts sharply with our conditioning, which tells us that our lives and identities are supremely important. But the truth is, nothing matters. And that's liberating. It's the beginning of moving from ignorance to knowledge, from ego to true self.

I know some coaches will tell you to strengthen your ego, to build a strong persona. And that's okay; it's not wrong. But if you want to move beyond the ego, to break through to the other side, you must let go of the idea that your ego matters. When you do, you’ll experience what’s on the other side of the meme: bliss, harmony, and love.

Moving from ignorance to knowledge is like returning to the Garden of Eden. The story goes that we lost our true knowledge when we ate from the Tree of Knowledge and became aware of our ego. But when we regain this knowledge, we understand that nothing matters, and we can embrace this truth joyfully. This understanding leads to liberation and, ultimately, to a state of nirvana or heaven on earth.

To know you’ve moved from ignorance to knowledge, look for that sense of bliss that isn’t tied to circumstances. It’s a bliss that comes from ego death, from truly understanding that nothing matters. This state can be reached through meditation, breathwork, plant medicine, or even listening to this podcast. When you get there, everything around you – the colors, the sounds, the mundane things – becomes vibrant, magical, and awe-inspiring. You merge with the world, experiencing its perfection and realizing that you are one with it.

Doctors and scientists know so little about the body, just as we know so little about the universe. The arrogance of claiming we fully understand either is a product of our ego. But when we let go of the "I," we see the body and the world as the magical, vibrant entities they truly are.

Brothers, if this resonates with you, come to the academy. It's one path among many, but it’s a path where we explore these truths together. Everything is impermanent, everything is in flux, and embracing that truth is key to your freedom. Until next week, elevate your alpha.