Episode 271: TV of Life (a.k.a Who Am I? Part 2) – Part 2


Listens: 244

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

We begin part two of our TV of life with a deep dive into the astral. This is channel five, the channel of human design and energy. It is your star sign – your connection to astrological energy. As we flip through the channels, things become less dense. That’s to say that we move away from form and the physical and closer to what we cannot see – closer to the truth. 

Channel six is the mirror channel, and this is where the illusion disappears. This is where you begin to recognize that everything is one. You and I are one. The tree and I are one. That squirrel and I are one. We are all one. And I’m not talking about building relationships and making friends, right? That happens in channels two and three because it is all about ego. All relationships are formed through ego because that is when you accept the stories that the other tells you about themselves. 

But channel six is not accepting or accommodating anyone – it is about being aware of the universal truth that everything that exists is one – and this is where souls are awakened, this is where miracles take place. Which brings us to channel seven: The void; the nothingness. You see, channel seven is who you really are. Every other channel is a rental. You are renting your mind and your body. They are still yours, it is still you, but when your body dies, you give everything back and all that remains is the nothingness you are and always will be. 

You are not your thoughts; your thoughts are helping you to create and shape reality. You are not your emotions; you merely experience them. You are not the identity of your name or your star sign; those are borrowed tools to help you navigate this realm we call Earth. You need to move away from the idea of who you think you are and detach yourself from the channels you are stuck on. This is cognitive mastery, brothers, this is emotional ownership. And this is how you elevate your alpha.