Episode 264: Who Am I?


Listens: 244

The Alpha Male Coach Podcast

Religion & Spirituality

Brothers, as Columbia is fully booked, many of you have been asking about the next retreat and when registrations will open for that one. Well, I can tell you, brothers, that the next retreat will be in mid-2024, and registrations will open early next year. But you can still visit awakentheoneretreats.com and your registration will automatically be transferred to next year’s retreat. Until next year, this is me, Kevin Aillaud, signing off from all retreat talk.

Today, we are getting philosophical as we dive into another thought experiment. And these esoteric explorations are just like listening to music because it’s the silence in between that’s the loudest, not the musical note itself – it’s the spaces in between our layers of existence that draw us closer to that universal truth of oneness. 

When someone asks, “Who are you?” what do you say? You could say that your name is Kevin, and that is true. You may say that you’re a Taurus, or that you’re feeling nervous about something, or that you are the aching leg that’s been bothering you for the past month – all of those are accurate definitions of who you are because you are everything. 

You are your body, you are your star sign, you are your name, you are the summation of your bodily experiences, and you are your emotions and feelings. But you don’t remember this because you’ve chosen to forget your inherent divinity, because seeking answers is more thrilling than knowing the truth. So when we project our thoughts and feelings onto others, we forget that we’re doing this because we see ourselves in them, which is only natural because, after all, we are all one. 

So the work then, brothers, is to first realize that the answer to the question, “Who am I?” is simply: everything. And once you recognize that everything is layered, you can then begin the work of peeling back the layers and playing around with them, and being responsive instead of reactive as you unpack the essence of your existence. Because you are breath itself, you are life itself, and you are yet another step closer toward elevating your alpha.