Episode 189 - Upcoming Programming + October DVD List Preview


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Middle Country Public Library Podcast


Do you, or someone you know, face obstacles in getting to the library? If so, please contact us to learn more about the possibility of having library materials delivered to your home. In addition to the library’s continuing service for homebound patrons, the library will be starting a three-month trial this fall of an additional delivery service, specifically designed for patrons who have difficulty getting to the library, such as those dealing with transportation or mobility issues. Please contact 631-585-9393 ext. 302 for more details. For more information on the Stony Brook Healthy Libraries Program, click here. There are still seats for a number of great teen and children's programs at the library, check out our new handy dandy online calendar for more information! Sara is here to delight us with another preview of October's New DVD list...and it's pretty solid this time.