Episode #169 Sarah Bracey White Featured and Camille Guthrie's "Diamonds" Reviewed


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Poetry Spoken Here


Poet, memoirist, and essayist Sarah Bracey White shares poems and stories. She discusses the importance of having unconditional support and love from non-parental family members, the advice she gives students, and the need to consider often overlooked perspectives. In the second part of the show, host Charlie Rossiter reviews Camille Guthrie's new book "Diamonds" from Boa Editions, Ltd. Guthrie was a guest on episode 117 Poetry Spoken Here. Learn more about Sarah Bracey White, here: http://www.onmymind.org/ Get a copy of "Diamonds" here: https://www.boaeditions.org/products/diamonds Listen to Camille Guthrie on Poetry Spoken Here: https://soundcloud.com/poetry-spoken-here/episode-117-camille-guthrie SUBMIT TO THE OPEN MIC OF THE AIR! www.poetryspokenhere.com/open-mic-of-the-air Visit our website: www.poetryspokenhere.com Like us on facebook: facebook.com/PoetrySpokenHere Follow us on twitter: twitter.com/poseyspokenhere (@poseyspokenhere) Send us an e-mail: poetryspokenhere@gmail.com