Episode 1 Ill Zakiel


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Small Town Social Club


For our first episode Trevor and focus on our love of hip hop, We are joined by our friend and MC Ill Zakiel. We talk about what led us to hip hop and what we feel made it the sound track of our generation. We also listen to Zack (Ill Zakiel) tell us what let him to get off the sidelines and to start a rap career of his own. you can find Ill Zakiel on Twitter and Instagram @illzakiel. You can find his music on just about anywhere you find digital music. Be sure to Reach out to us and tell us your #thingsthatsuck. And if you are feeling kind leave a review.   You can email us @ smalltownsocialclu@gmail.com Instagram @smalltownsocialclu Twitter @STSCpodcast Adam Instagram @adam_stsc