Ep10 - The secret of doing less and achieving more


Listens: 2

Entrepreneurs Survival Guide


Have you ever wondered how some people achieve so much? 

Time Management is probably one of the most searched for terms or training requested, which is crazy really because you can't manage time. No matter what you do, the clock will tick one second after the other. It is in fact the one equal currency we all have. 

So, why do some people, famous people like Elon Musk, Steve Jobs, Bill Gates, Richard Branson, (the list could go on) achieve so much? 

When us mere mortals struggle. It's not because of a magic time machine, I don't think so anyway! 

In this episode Victoria Maguire explains the processes she uses with her clients so they can achieve more by doing less. 

We also explore how society gives the impression we should be doing more and more; and a  lot of us are failing because of this constant hamster wheel. 

Victoria is really open and honest about how she learnt the hard way. Victoria, wants you to learn from her mistakes, so you can maybe save your life from crashing like hers did. It's a story of how her home fell apart and the inevitable divorce occurred, but she believes by following the advice in this podcast you will learn how to prevent this before it's to late. 

If you would like support and help from Victoria, please visit her LinkedIn page - https://www.linkedin.com/in/vicki-maguire-7803b869/