Ep 7 - Magarmachchh ka bhram


Listens: 5156

Cheeranjivi Ashwathama


Acharya Drona never wanted to keep Ashwatthama away from his sight even for a moment. Now, he was being called someone who was excessively attached to his son. While Ashwatthama didn't like his father Drona's principles, he respected them more than himself. He never fell short in serving his father. One day, while sitting alone on the terrace of the ashram, contemplating his future, Guru Drona arrived searching for him. He seemed worried seeing Ashwatthama alone but couldn't find out the reason. To indulge in some leisure, they took a walk in the forest. When the Pandavas and Kauravas saw them, they joined too. Guru Drona couldn't stop them. Along the way, they arrived at a pond surrounded by singing birds, bounding herds of deer, cool winds, and beautiful cascades from the mountains. Ashwatthama was captivated by nature's views. However, he was still lost in thought. Then, Dronacharya said... He witnessed all this, saw the respect Arjun received despite the falsehood. Arjun, without any competition, was honored, and Ashwatthama didn't like it. Even though he couldn't match Arjun, he didn't want such respect. Now, he resolved to do something genuine to earn that respect. What did Ashwatthama do for this?