Ep 48: CRUSHING Business Obstacles & Keeping on Track - Coaching Conversations


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People Profits & Purpose Podcast with Nick Psaila


How do we reach our goals in the face of relentless obstacles? How do we stay focused when the path gets rocky? In this episode, Nick and Chris break down the ways to stay on track to reach the goals you’ve set - no matter how many times those goalposts move! And you’ll learn to identify the hurdles before they happen so you’re prepared to leap…  in the right direction! In the times we live in, it’s important for business owners to share and discuss the best ways to `stay the course’. There’s so much to learn in the latest episode of “Coaching Conversations” with Nick and Chris …. Enjoy. Time Code/Show Notes 0.22   Welcome to the show and intro. 2.10   Can you identify your actual goals? Be mindful of the difference between “goals” and “tasks” – Nick discusses the importance of recognizing that there will always be hurdles. 3.55  Be prepared and do not be deterred. How do you manage your expectations? Are you realistic about the inevitable, physical, and mental speedbumps? Nick equates it to prepping for a Tough Mudda – you need to know what’s ahead, even if it’s simply to acknowledge that there will be problems! 5.45  Is your end goal bigger than you? According to Nick and Chris, it’s an absolute must. And you are more connected to that goal when it is mired in a well-thought-out, deep-seated purpose. You must have a clear view of what the outcome will look like. 7.20  Chris discusses hurdles in the building industry with examples of daily site obstacles such as no-show contractors, progress interruptions, dodgy workmanship, weather, and awkward clients. The mental anguish is real - and it piles on. 8.30  Accumulative setbacks can crush mental health. How do you deal with perspective …? Is the problem a rock, is it a pebble or is it sand? Nick’s Jar analogy paints a picture we can all relate to. Can you delegate or outsource? 11.35 Delegation. Is that a sound reaction when things go wrong and is it achievable with the team you currently have? Are you going into a gunfight with a knife? 14.13: Chris returns the “Jar” Metaphor. If you move the “big rocks”, often you remove the pebble and sand-based activities as well. Map out your systems thoroughly and this will go far to eliminate the issues of “rocks”. Crazy? It makes sense! 15.10  Sometimes you may have to re-calibrate your goal – focus a                chunk of time on smoothing that people or process problem.                          Give yourself time to achieve that goal within a goal! 17.40  Do not dwell on the things you cannot change, Machinery breaks. People get sick. The weather goes bad. Don’t waste energy – be proactive and recognize that “it is, what it is” – and make a plan to move forward. 18.50 Unwavering discipline is the key. Work towards the plan because things you didn’t anticipate will ALWAYS happen. MOVE ON. 20.55  Dr Wayne Dyer says “Change the way you look at things and              the things you look at change” 21.20  If you’re a goal-oriented business owner and want further                    direction... or you’re struggling and need a mindset over-haul, contact us at ask@upcoach.com.au EPISODE SUMMARY        So, go ahead and visualize the end goal and put yourself in that space! Do not lose sight of what is important. Keep that inner fire burning for success day after day; you’ll need that vision when things, inevitably, get tough. Make sure you identify whether it’s a people or process problem - and again,  keep moving forward. Do not dwell on the issue if it was out of your hands. Don’t knee jerk your response - it’s not a short sprint, it’s a marathon. And finally, when “growth occurs through friction and challenge”, facing obstacles on the way to success can only improve your resilience and power to achieve! Good luck and stay the course!