Society & Culture
Hey folks! This ~vintage~ episode was recorded in... November??? October??? We're not really keeping track at this point but the main idea is that it's been a while. We hope you enjoy this throwback to a simpler pumpkin-filled time while we work on getting back to our regularly scheduled program. Wishing you all a peaceful and restful New Year!In this episode we chat about making new friends, Dancing With The Stars, Antebellum, reducing the role of consumerism in wellness practices, and a lil bit of Twilight just for spice.Quileute Tribe Move To Higher Ground: https://mthg.orgLiving Resistance Festival: We'd love to hear from you! Email us your stories, questions, ideas, corrections, and absurd ramblings, or solicit our (questionable) advice at: If you haven't yet, follow us on Instagram or join our Facebook group to keep updated with our posting schedule and future episodes!As always, big thanks to Paul who edits our audio to make our voices sound a lil less janky. We <3 U.This week's horoscope by: Jessica LanyadooOur theme music: Sensual Rhythm by Royalty Free Music Club