EP 3- Trusting the Process


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This is Your 20s


Mer had to miss this one, but I had the pleasure to sit down Levi Townsend and Luke Amaral, two talented and upcoming music artists in Indy. In this episode, we discuss pursuing your goals, their journey with making music, and lessons they’ve learned from being in their 20s. LET ME TELL YOU, these two have such a good head on their shoulders. I truly learned so much from them, and you will too! Tune in!  Thank you Luke and Levi for being on “This is Your 20s!” Check them out on Spotify and Apple Music! Levi Townsend: https://open.spotify.com/artist/02JuzP8ehRuOr00Y0lklwA?si=cC97b17GQrKafkvSJV4CQQ https://music.apple.com/us/artist/levi-townsend/1240432725   Lukey: https://open.spotify.com/artist/6Sk3tH76OQwdjLRJn41Nqa?si=C9-3nnbZR7eEAozSUV71qg https://music.apple.com/us/artist/lukey/1378167377   Email thisisyour20s@gmail.com for suggestions on what YOU want to hear on this show.