Ep #24 - Parenting, Society, and Decision Making


Listens: 128

All Fingers and Thumbs - A Hindi Podcast

Society & Culture

As we evolved as a society, we created many constraints for each of us. We started examining everything from the perspective of our reputation, our self-perception, how other people saw us, etc. On the one hand, it helped the human race advance. On the other hand, this viewpoint raises problems. We are constrained by the beliefs we have.


Parenting is the area of this belief system that is most influenced. The most crucial factor in shaping a person's life is parenting. It is important to think about having the mental and physical capacity to parent. The ability of a youngster to make decisions and perceive their environment is aided by parental guidance. We do, however, hold a few misconceptions about parenting. We have a youthful and vibrant guest on this episode of All Fingers & Thumbs. Dr. Jui is a dentist who established the TheLegitTalks Instagram Live Series. In this episode, we looked at decision-making, society, and parenthood.


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