Ep 17: Developing Scientific Temper! feat. Dr K Ratna


Listens: 487

EdTalk with Anuj!


"The whole of science is nothing more than the refinement of everyday thinking" ~ Albert Einstein

In this episode, I speak with Dr. K Ratna - Secretary of the Dr. KV Rao Scientific Society, Hyderabad - on her continuing efforts to empower students with a love for science.

The Society was formed in 2001 with a view to promoting and popularising science among students. It was formed in the memory of Late Dr. KV Rao who had retired as Superintending Chemist of Geological Survey of India.

The passion of Dr. KV Rao by taking part actively in promotion of young scientists has been instrumental in bringing about this Society to promote scientific temper by making learning of science experiential and thereby encourage school students and young scientists to pursue a career in science.

Happy listening!

Dr. KV Rao Scientific Society: Website