Ep 14 - Laksha bhavan ki agni


Listens: 4046

Cheeranjivi Ashwathama


Ashwatthama had heard of Varnavat but had never seen it. His father never discussed it. When the Pandavas were to visit Varnavat, Ashwatthama was curious. King Dhritrashtra entrusted him with seeing the Pandavas and their mother off, but Ashwatthama didn't inquire about their purpose. Upon returning, he asked his father, who explained that Varnavat was a city named after Lord Shiva, where a grand fair for Shiva devotees was held. Intrigued by this, Ashwatthama planned to visit, with Dronacharya's approval. However, Duryodhan learned of this and dissuaded Ashwatthama when he was engrossed in worship. Duryodhan's unexpected intervention left Ashwatthama puzzled. Duryodhan's interest in him deepened, leading Ashwatthama to seek counsel from Vidur. But, Vidur remained cautious, sending a messenger to warn Yudhishthir in coded language. Eventually, the Varnavat palace was engulfed in flames, claiming the lives of the Pandavas and their mother, with evidence pointing to Purochan's treachery. Ashwatthama was stunned by the news and sought answers from Vidur. What did Ashwatthama discover?