Sahra Nguyen joins us on Episode 13, where we talk about pursuing passions across multiple platforms, discuss race and segregation in society, and also delve into the story of Vietnamese coffee. Origins of Listening Party [00:29] Multiplatform Pursuits fuelled by Activism [02:12] Focus and Productivity at Work [08:55] The "We Gon' be Alright" Docuseries and Race [16:28] Nguyen Coffee Supply and Vietnamese Coffee [23:56] Sahra Nguyen www.instagram.com/oneouncegold Nguyen Coffee Supply https://www.instagram.com/nguyencoffeesupply/ UNDO Ordinary www.undoordinary.com www.instagram.com/undoordinary_ www.instagram.com/askvash www.instagram.com/esymai S/O to our partners @ListeningPartyPresents and @CanalStreetMarket www.instagram.com/listeningpartypresents www.instagram.com/canalstreetmarket Producer: Wasiq Al Mamun --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/undo-radio/support