Ep 13 - Arjun ka Agni baan


Listens: 11.48k

Cheeranjivi Ashwathama


Ashwatthama's story is marked by significant changes in his thoughts. Initially, he opposed seeking revenge against King Drupad but later felt empathy towards his father when Drupad gave birth to two children in response. He wanted to convey that life doesn't change through revenge but through compromise, which his teacher, Dronacharya, understood. Meanwhile, tensions were rising between the Pandavas and Kauravas, with Duryodhan's uncle Shakuni manipulating him psychologically. King Dhritarashtra also prepared to end the Pandavas' story, seeking a game-changer in his trusted minister, Purochan. Purochan set out to detain the Pandavas in a palace and set it ablaze when the time was right. Ashwatthama sensed something was brewing but couldn't have imagined his uncle and cousin's sinister plan.