Ep 12 - Drupad ko bandi banane ki Gurudakshina


Listens: 12.42k

Cheeranjivi Ashwathama


Ashwatthama reflects on his rebellious nature and questions his father's adherence to Dronacharya's strategies. Despite his father's loyalty, Ashwatthama's inclination toward dissent surfaces. When Dronacharya sends Pandavas and Kauravas to make King Drupad a captive, Ashwatthama's refusal to follow suit becomes evident. He grapples with the understanding that his father values principles he might disagree with. In a pivotal moment, Duryodhan embarks on a mission with his army to attack Panchal. As Ashwatthama witnesses the unfolding events, he remains conflicted about his father's actions. The narrative delves into the complexity of familial and moral values, leaving Ashwatthama contemplating his role in the larger political landscape.