Ep 1 - Pratishodh ka Janm


Listens: 8150

Cheeranjivi Ashwathama


In the intense Kurukshetra battle, Dronacharya, fighting for the Kauravas, causes a lot of damage to the Pandava army. Shrikrishna, known for being truthful, comes up with a plan. Yudhishthir, influenced by Krishna, spreads a false report about Ashwatthama's death, using a half-truth—mentioning the death of an elephant named Ashwatthama. The sound of a conch reinforces the deception, making Dronacharya believe his son is dead. Heartbroken, he gives up and is killed without a fight. Ashwatthama survives but is cursed by Shrikrishna, condemned to endure eternal suffering without the life force gem. This complex story raises questions about Ashwatthama's journey and Shrikrishna's change, inviting exploration of the historical tales.