Ep. 078 - Joe Griffin - SB143


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Lethal Podcast


In Episode 78 we sat down with our friend Joe Griffin to discuss SB143 that is currently being pushed through in the state of Montana. This bill and many others that are being pushed through with little to no involvement or input from the hunting community are running rampant in the western United States right now. Please go to the links below to read the bill and contact State Senators in Montana to voice your concerns. SB143 Bill https://leg.mt.gov/bills/2021/billpdf/SB0143.pdf goHunt Article with Senator Information https://www.gohunt.com/read/news/alert-new-bill-will-greatly-impact-nonresident-hunters-montana#gs.uobc4g This episode is fueled by Hunter's Blend Coffee. Use code ABF at checkout to donate 10% of your purchase to the Ashby Bowhunting Foundation. Check them both out at the links below! Hunter's Blend Coffee Ashby Bowhunting Foundation --- Support this podcast: https://anchor.fm/lethalpodcast/support