54. Empowering Kids Through Sports with Antwaun Thompson


Listens: 32

Great Dad Talks

Kids & Family

Explore the importance of empowering kids through open conversations, the dynamics of parent-coach relationships, and building confidence in sports with Antwaun Thompson. Antwaun shares his wisdom, personal experiences, and strategies for supporting children through tough times. From dealing with bullying to fostering resilience and perseverance, this episode offers valuable insights for all dads out there.

Check out Antwaun's website at coachtscorner.com to learn more about his coaching philosophies and strategies.

Visit these links and embark on the path to becoming the best parent you can be:
  • GreatDad.com/coaching
  • GreatDad.com/pq
  • Gratitude course: bit.ly/3NMLDNC 50% off for podcast listeners with code PODCAST50