Five years in the future...the Amazon-Google-Apple conglomerate WonderCorp has released a brand-new home assistant called "KIRA." Aiden and Charlie are best friends who have been chosen as beta-testers for the system's new AI feature, which includes an "EmotionalChoice" detector. When this new feature reveals Charlie's secret love for Aiden, both friends do not know how to navigate the new uncharted waters of their friendship, and fall into the routine of avoiding the subject, while KIRA continues to make E-Choice suggestions left and right. Are these choices superficial algorithms, or do they reveal the friends most inner secrets? How do we deal with the repercussions of Emotional Playback? Written by Carlo Feliciani Ojeda. Directed by Daimien J. Matherson. Starring Charlie Alguera, Chris Gacinski, Tyler Charles Kane, Gaby Tortoledo, andSamantha Villarroel. Sound Engineering by Tyler Grimes. Sound Design by Lisha Brown. Sound Editing by V Ramos. Play Development by Sarah Misch. Artwork by Emanuela Brumana. dtc radio Theme Music by Spencer Robelen. All other music and sounds used with permission from Audioblocks. Hosted by Pip Gengenbach.