Doctor Who 04.01 Caribbean Blue, Episode 1


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Doctor Who: Time Tales


Doctor Who: Caribbean Blue: Episode 1Download (31:42, 72.5 MB mp3, released 2011.01.20)The Doctor and Emma get dangerously close to one of the most unique sights in the Universe. On the Planet of Jacob's Disc, tensions run high and something is awakened.Written by Ewen Campion ClarkeFeatured in the cast were:David Ault as the DoctorM Sieiro Garcia as Emma CollinsBernadetta M Groves as Kayzee VlynAl Aseoche as Palleen Kadijah and the computerBrian Bedard as Alexis MacdonMichael Roberts as Eljay LoobansAri Baronovski as Gelver KoffniProduction and Sound Design by Jim Hamilton