Religion & Spirituality
7.2.21 Speaker: Phillip Gummerson Duration: 37:22 DNA: Spiritual Fingerprint 1. Spiritual FingerprintKey Verses: Ephesians 4:7-16 - NLT MISSION ALIGNMENT - "Where are we going and how will we get there?" As disciples who love Jesus Christ, we want to be a:Biblical Church Loving & Social Church Pastoral Church Prayerful Church Spiritual Church Worshipful Church Missional Church RELATIONAL ALIGNMENT - "Who are we and how do we relate to one another?" DOCTRINAL ALIGNMENT - "What do we believe and practice?" ORGANISATIONAL ALIGNMENT - "How are we similar, yet different, to other churches?" In fundamental doctrines, complete uniformity. In important teachings, public conformity. In all things, Christian charity (love).