Diabetes, what it is and what it does.


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Living life to full with your type2 diabetes show

Health & Fitness

Diabetes causes untold amount of damage to your vital internal organs like heart, kidneys, eyesight and brain. Recent research findings are that the onset of the disease ages the victim by 5 years and that is across the board. I said in one of the episodes that I did not recognise myself when I saw my own reflection in the mirror. And, it was because I had aged much faster and a lot due mainly to my undiagnosed diabetes. I think we as patients and suffers don't have a clue as to how it affects our respective bodies etc until it is too late. In view of the above, I spoke about diabetes by sharing my story, my problems and my lack of attention at the right time. I have said as much as I know or can so that other type2 diabetics take action and prevent serious damage to their life and health.