December 19, 2021 — Special Roundtable with Curt Collins and Tim Swartz


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The Paracast -- The Gold Standard of Paranormal Radio


By special request, we present a fearless guest cohost roundtable, featuring Curt Collins and Tim Swartz. Curt is the author behind Blue Blurry Lines, the website focused on the UFO mystery, as well as its legends and hoaxes. After a career in retail management Curt began writing about UFOs, with a special interest in re-investigating the paradoxical 1980 Texas Cash-Landrum case. In 2015 Curt was on the investigative team, the Roswell Slides Research Group, that exposed the BeWitness alien photo fiasco. More recently, he launched The Saucers That Time Forgot with Claude Falkstrom, focused on unearthing “tales that UFO history has overlooked, or would rather forget.” Tim is an Indiana native and Emmy-Award winning television producer/videographer. He is also the author of a number of popular books including "The Lost Journals of Nikola Tesla," "America's Strange and Supernatural History," and "Time Travel: Fact Not Fiction!" And he is the writer and editor of the online newsletter Conspiracy Journal; a free, weekly e-mail newsletter, considered essential reading by paranormal researchers worldwide.